Congress of the Greek Association of Judges
News of the IAJ
The President of the International Association of Judges, Mr. José Igreja Matos, participated in the Congress of the Greek Association of Judges that took place in Athens from 29th to 31th October.
Mr. Matos delivered the closing speech of the ceremony named “Fair Trial and Judicial Independence – Can one live without the other?“ (available here).
During the event a public welcome ceremony to Afghan women judges was held. These women arrived to Greece escaping from the country due to the persecution by Talibans.
The President of IAJ shared a message with the participants in the following terms: (English and French versions):
“On behalf of the International Association of Judges (IAJ), the largest organization of judges in the world composed by national association from 94 countries, I warmly welcome the Afghan Judges, now arriving in Greece.
I would like also, as president of IAJ, to express my deepest gratitude to the Greek authorities for this gesture of solidarity regarding our Colleagues.
The Greek association of judges, our national member, has been totally committed in helping the judiciary of Afghanistan, particularly the women judges, and their efforts proved to be fruitful. It would be crucial that other associations and countries could follow your outstanding example.
I am certain that our colleagues and respective families will have a swift and successful adjustment to the new circumstances of their lives.
Wish you all the best with the treasured support of our Greek Colleagues and Friends!
Καλώς ήρθατε”
“Au nom de l’Union Internationale des Magistrats (UIM), la plus grande organisation de magistrats au monde, composée d’associations nationales de 94 Pays, je souhaite chaleureusement la bienvenue aux magistrats afghans, qui arrivent actuellement en Grèce.
Je voudrais également, en tant que Président de l’UIM, exprimer ma profonde gratitude aux autorités grecques pour ce geste de solidarité envers nos collègues.
L’Association grecque des magistrats, notre membre national, s’est totalement engagée à aider les magistrats afghans, en particulier les femmes, et leurs efforts se sont avérés fructueux. Il serait crucial que d’autres associations et Pays puissent suivre votre remarquable exemple.
Je suis certain que nos collègues et leurs familles respectives s’adapteront rapidement et avec succès aux nouvelles circonstances de leur vie.
Je vous souhaite le meilleur avec le soutien précieux de nos collègues et amis grecs!
Καλώς ήρθατε”