A new meaning for Hope – The Provident Fund of the European Association of Judges

News of the IAJ

The German Association of Judges (Deutscher Richterbund (DRB)) published in their magazine an article written by José Igreja Matos, President of the European Association of Judges and First Vice President of the International of Judges, entitled: “A new meaning for Hope – The Provident Fund of the European Association of Judges”.
The summary of the article reads as follows:
Established only a few months after the collapse of Rule of Law in Turkey, the Provident Fund of the European Association of Judges has helped hundreds of judges and prosecutors. However, their situation deteriorated once again due to the pandemic. A renewed gesture of solidarity shall be rendered by European judges; our Turkish colleagues will never be alone. 
The article, with the kind permission of the publisher, is now shared in its English version now attached.
The German version can be read freely until the end of May on the website of the magazine (https://rsw.beck.de/driz ) on the following link:
English version here:

International Association of Judges
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