Message from a Turkish judge

News of the IAJ

Hereinafter, a very impressive and touching message from a Turkish judge sent after our more recent statement about the terrible situation in the country:

Dear All,

I would like to tell you something: 

Since many judges got released with prison sentences, now, they know what’s going on outside of Turkey. 

And the last statement was circulated so fast amongst them.

They are really surprised by the major continuous support by European judges individually and institutionally. 

As you may guess, in Turkish National education system we always were told: the Westerns this, the Westerns that…

However, you built a very strong and a historical bridge between the two Worlds. 

More than that, even if we sometimes feel so tired, you teach us (all lawyers around the globe) not to give up no matter what.

I think, this solidarity means more than supporting Turkish judges and prosecutors. 

I believe, this support already turned into a great reconciliation.

We -as Turkish judges- have started to understand what the Western values mean.

I admire you!

I appreciate your tremendous support!

I am so glad I am witnessing a historical moment!




International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195