Secretary-General’s “Lectio Magistralis” at the Closure of the 2023 Cycle of Lectures of the World Notariat University, in Rome

News of the IAJ

On 6th July, 2023 the IAJ Secretary-General Mr Giacomo Oberto held a lectio magistralis at the Closure of the 2023 Cycle of Lectures of the World Notariat University, in the Aula Magna of the Supreme Court of Cassation, in Rome, on the subject: “Judges and Notaries: International and National Experiences.”

The text of the lectio magistralis is available here:

Giacomo OBERTO Presentation Rome 6th July 2023

International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195