CoE’s CEPEJ Pilot Courts Meeting in Strasbourg
News of the IAJ
The 13th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ Network of Pilot courts took place in Strasbourg on 10 October 2018. Courts visiting from all member States and some observer States of the Council of Europe, worked on the following themes: judicial timeframes, which the CEPEJ wishes to refine in relation to its existing tools in the area; dashboards, which are used as a court management tool; the case weighting system and judicial communication with the public and the media. The meetings signify a prime opportunity for information sharing: the courts being the privileged beneficiaries of the work and achievements of the CEPEJ-for reflection (the Network is consulted on the problems addressed by the CEPEJ), as well as experimentation whilst the courts are invited to trial some specific measures proposed by the CEPEJ.
Further information available here: