CEPEJ’s 2016 Judicial Systems Evaluation Report and New Interactive Database
News of the IAJ
The European judicial systems evaluation Report for the year 2016 of the// <![CDATA[ var Liferay = { Browser: { acceptsGzip: function() { return true; }, getMajorVersion: function() { return 11.0; }, getRevision: function() { return "11.0"; }, getVersion: function() { return "11.0"; }, isAir: function() { return false; }, isChrome: function() { return false; }, isFirefox: function() { return false; }, isGecko: function() { return true; }, isIe: function() { return true; }, isIphone: function() { return false; }, isLinux: function() { return false; }, isMac: function() { return false; }, isMobile: function() { return false; }, isMozilla: function() { return true; }, isOpera: function() { return false; }, isRtf: function() { return true; }, isSafari: function() { return false; }, isSun: function() { return false; }, isWap: function() { return false; }, isWapXhtml: function() { return false; }, isWebKit: function() { return false; }, isWindows: function() { return true; }, isWml: function() { return false; 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The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe outlines the main trends observed in 45 European countries. In addition to the report published today, there is a new interactive database accessible to the public.
Further information available here: