ENCJ Web conference ,11 June 2020
News of the IAJ
The President of the European Association of Judges, Mr. José Igreja Matos, was honored to participate in today’s conference of the European Network of Councils of Judiciary (ENCJ) as invitee.
The web conference presented the work ENCJ has done in 2019-2020 and explained what is planned for next year. The European Commissioner for Justice Mr Didier Reynders and the Member of the European Parliament Mr Michal Simecka addressed the participants and answered some questions.
The European Association of Judges wants to publicly express its recognition for the excellent work accomplished by the former President Mr. Kees Sterk and to warmly congratulate the new elect president Mr. Filippo Donati wishing him and his Board the best successes.
The close partnership between EAJ and ENCJ represents, for us, an important instrument to uphold Rule of Law and Judicial Independence in the challenging times European Judges are experiencing.
EAJ is looking forward to continuing this welcomed cooperation.