On 30th March 2023 the CEPEJ Network of Pilot Courts of the Council of Europe met in Lublin (Poland) to discuss issues pertaining to judicial efficiency and judicial time management. On 29 and 31 March the CEPEJ-SATURN WG of the Council of Europe met in the same venue, under the presidency of IAJ Secretary-General, Mr. Giacomo Oberto.
The meeting’s discussions focused on measures to prevent and reduce the excessive workload as well as to fight backlogs in the courts. The members of the working group also discussed the preliminary analysis of the case weighting systems for prosecutors based on the feedback from the prosecution services in Europe as well as timeframes of different stages of the civil proceedings based on the data submitted by the CEPEJ pilot court Network. The Revised Time Management Checklist, that will serve for the collection and analysis of information on the relevant aspects of the duration of judicial proceedings and its Explanatory Note have also be examined together with possible follow up to ensure their implementation in practice. The on-line training module on SATURN tools (via the HELP platform) was also discussed, as well as the possible collection of good practices on judicial time management.
IAJ and EAJ (which enjoy the status of observer at the CEPEJ) were represented by Secretary-General Mr. Giacomo Oberto, who submitted as well a presentation in his quality as President of the CEPEJ-SATURN Working Group for Judicial Time Management on the following subject: “Possible update of the Recommendation No. R(86)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning measures to prevent and reduce the excessive workload in the courts”.