New Class at French School for Judges will bear the Name of YARSAV

News of the IAJ

IAJ President Régnard and the French Association inform that the 2017 Class of the National School for the Judiciary of France will bear the name of YARSAV. A tribute to the Turkish Association and to the thousands of judges and prosecutors jailed or exiled.

ADJenm2017 (@AJenm2017)
La promo ENM 2017 portera le nom de YARSAV, en hommage à l’association turque et aux milliers de magistrats emprisonnés, exilés #ENM #YARSAV


International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195