From 26 to 28 July, IAJ Secretary-General Giacomo Oberto made a visit to South Africa, upon the invitation of Judicial Officers’ Association of South Africa (JOASA) and of the University of Cape Town. Mr. Oberto was accompanied by Secretariat-General’s Assistant, Ms. Daniela de Vincentiis. Aim of the visit was to provide assistance and exchange views on the organisation of next IAJ annual meeting, which will take place in Cape Town, on the invitation of JOASA. The Secretary- General had meetings with high level representatives of JOASA and in particular with colleagues Neelan Karikan (current President of JOASA), Nazeem Joemath (former President and current Treasurer of JOASA) and Cagney Musy (former President of JOASA, former Vice President of IAJ and President of the African Group. from 2010 to 2018). Mr. Oberto met also Ms. Vanja Karth, who currently works at the Department of Public Law, University of Cape Town. Ms. Karth is at the head of the task force that, on behalf of the Cape Town University, is taking care of various organisational and technical details, which are essential for the success of a meeting of that kind and size.
The delegation inspected the venue of the meetings of the different organs of the IAJ (CC, PC, SC, RG, HP Council) and the available hotels, discussing as well the organization of side events, like the international conference on AI, the excursions for delegates and accompanying persons, etc. During the meeting a special focus was cast also on the subject of security. Actually, security for the events and for the participants will be provided both from national and local police forces.
Secretary-General Oberto expressed, on behalf of the IAJ, his complete satisfaction for the work so far accomplished and the relevant efforts deployed by the organisers, planning the IAJ October meeting. Very soon, IAJ member associations will be informed about the progress in defining the programme of meeting and of the different events composing it.