Next IAJ Annual Meeting to be held in Marrakech on October 14-18, 2018
News of the IAJ
The Moroccan Association of Judges has informed us that the 61st IAJ Annual Meeting will be held in Marrakech (Morocco) on October 14-18, 2018
As soon as we receive all the useful and complete information, it will be our care to spread the general invitation letter among Member Associations.
The IAJ Secretariat-General
L’Association des Magistrats du Maroc nous a informé que la prochaine réunion annuelle de l’UIM (la 61ème) se tiendra à Marrakech (Maroc) du 14 au 18 octobre 2018 .
Dès qu’on aura toutes les informations nécessaires et complètes, on fera parvenir aux Associations Membres la lettre d’invitation.
Le Secrétariat Général de l’UIM