EU: Guidance on judicial application of the EU Counter-terrorism Directive
News of the IAJ
The International Commission of Jurist (ICJ) and partners published a Guidance entitled: “Counter-terrorism and human rights in the courts: guidance for judges, prosecutors and lawyers on application of EU Directive 2017/541 on combatting terrorism”.
The Guidance addresses the appropriate interpretation and application of the EU Directive in practice throughout investigation, prosecution and trial, consistently with international and EU human rights law and standards.
For more information:
5 versions available at the following links:
Guidance-counterterrorism-ENG-2020 (Guidance in English)
Guidance-counterterrorism-FR-2020 (Guidance in French)
Guidance-counterterrorism-ITA-2020 (Guidance in Italian)
Guidance-counterterrorism-DE-2020 (Guidance in German)
Guidance-counterterrorism-ESP-2020 (Guidance in Spanish)