Regulations of the IAJ Assistance Fund for Members of the Judiciary
Adopted by the IAJ Central Council in Cape Town on October 20th, 2024
The Central Council of the International Association of Judges establishes herewith an Assistance Fund for Members of the Judiciary. Object of the fund is to assist members of the judiciary who are suspended, detained or face other state sanction, including prosecution, simply because of the proper exercise of their functions. The Fund can only be used for the objects described in these Regulations.
The Fund is financed by voluntary donations that are made by the IAJ, the member associations of the IAJ and any other donations made by individuals or charitable organisations.
A special Committee shall be established to take charge of and make all decisions relating to the Fund, including payments out from the Fund. The Committee consists of five members: the President of the International Association of Judges and four other members, each of them elected by their respective Regional Group for a two-year term. The term shall be renewable. The Committee has to submit its report and accounts for approval annually by the Central Council of the IAJ.
The Committee shall have the power to authorize a payment if A) a request for assistance has been made by a member of the judiciary; and B) it is satisfied on investigation that the facts establish a case of need by a member of the judiciary or family members; C) such need arises from improper action by the State against a member of the judiciary.
The exercise of the power shall be in the sole discretion of the Committee.
If the Committee considers it to be appropriate, payments made can include legal expenses, or payments to the immediate family of the member of the judiciary concerned who is suffering.